Thursday, June 16, 2011

You can open a jar...

Or you can make easy, organic and wholesome baby food in minutes.

We live in a wonderful Amazonian world where we have the freedom and ability to choose whatever products we like.

I happened to choose the beaba babycook baby food maker  and I store the magic that is his food in these reusable baby food containers.
I like two kinds of spoons, one for mixing rice or cereal with food and one for food alone.
I also like to label each container with what’s inside.
Yes, its time consuming and unnecessary but it makes my OCD feel much better!

Choose whatever products you like, as long as you can steam it and puree it, you’re good to go.
Boiling in a small pot and roasting on a good rimmed baking sheet are other good options but steaming helps preserve the most nutrients, which is the numero uno goal for our growing babies.
Spinach & Roasted Pears
I’ve been having a hard time getting my baby to eat spinach on its own. Spinach is packed with iron, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamins K and C and helps protect the intestinal lining. You can’t get better than that! I knew I had to figure out a way for him to eat it AND love it. This is the most simple and perfect way to get your baby to eat spinach. He polished this off in about 30 seconds. 
Record time I tell you.

1 pear per handful of spinach makes 2 servings.

1. Peel and cut the pear in quarters, cleaning out the seeds and all hard parts.
2. Place the pear face down on a baking sheet and roast on 400 for 20 min or until soft.
3. Meanwhile, bring 1 cup water to a boil, add spinach and wilt for 1 minute.
4. Drain the spinach, but reserve the water if you are going to add rice cereal to this puree.

Let the pear and spinach cool, puree until smooth. 

Easy as that. Enjoy!


  1. You don't need to add any water, the pear and spinach are very juicy. If you are adding rice or oatmeal to this puree and you want it thinner you can add the water from the pot that you used to wilt the spinach.

  2. i meant like what kind of mechanical device? the beaba babycook or a blender?

  3. the beaba does everything, it steams it in a basket, when its done you remove the basket and blend.

  4. I'm lovingggggg.....
    The bedtime part s what you listed for occupation.
